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The Plummet is a small synapsid or mammal-like reptile weighing around 6 and 8kg, and are native to the Southern forests of Crius. Researchers believe its ancestors used to be ground dwelling hunters but with the rise of the Calibrag the Plummets took up a different environmental niche in the trees. This strictly arboreal lifestyle has over time given the Plummets extremely strong and stocky forearms akin to that of Primates while the back legs have been reduced to much smaller, almost vestigial limbs that’s only purpose seem to be to hook them onto tree bark. Covered in a layer of green fur that both camoflauges them in there treetop homes and provides protection from the cold. They are ambush hunters and will remain motionless in the treetops waiting for prey to wander too closely to their chosen tree. Using special heat pits on the back of their heads the Plummet is able to see the heat signature of its prey while remaining out of sight. Once in range they release their grip of the tree and descend quickly towards their prey. To help control their descent they have a set of spinal sails formed by elongated vertebral spines connected to a membrane containing many blood vessels. While falling they extend them out on either side of their body to create wind resistance and act as a parachute.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Plummet and is a Beast that lives mostly within the forest.

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