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These imposing herd creatures, enveloped in a mantle of midnight-black fur, blend seamlessly into the sprawling fields of the Sea of Glass, their presence shrouded in stealth. However, their luminous eyes, aglow like distant stars, pierce through the darkness—a radiant beacon connecting kindred souls within the herd.Amidst their nomadic journey across the glassy expanse, these colossal beings seek sustenance, their quest for nourishing vegetation guiding their ponderous steps. Their hooves mirror the obsidian terrain, etched with a sleekness born of countless strides upon the glistening glass, a testament to the ceaseless passage of time. Ingeniously equipped to weather the tempestuous whims of the heavens, these creatures sport majestic conical horns that ascend towards the sky, robust and unyielding. Nature's lightning waltzes towards these towering sentinels, drawn to the vigilant embrace of the horns, only to be harnessed and redirected skyward—a mesmerizing ballet of natural forces, a dance of protection woven by ancient design.

This CR1/4 creature is called an Onyx Hooves and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Sea of Glass.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: TheDedLime