In the mystical depths of the oceans of Crius, a divine creature called the Foam Foal roams the coral reefs and ocean trenches, crafted by the god of the seas Aestas himself. Graceful and elegant, these creatures possess an extraordinary ability to manipulate water, creating artificial currents that launch them in any direction they desire.Although aquatic races have long utilized Foam Foals as mounts, earning the respect of these creatures is no easy feat. The Foam Foals are selective and will only allow those who have earned their trust to ride them. In times of danger, these creatures can transform their bodies into water, enabling creatures and objects to pass through them harmlessly. As if branded by the sea god himself, a trident pattern adorns the Foam Foals' chests, while three horns atop their heads are used to display their prowess in battles or attract mates. Their long, curling tails serve as anchors, enabling them to sleep safely within crevices and on coral spires. With their impressive hydrokinesis abilities and divine origins, the Foam Foals are a sight to behold. In the midst of the Escarian underwater city, these creatures continue to capture the hearts and imaginations of all who encounter them.
This CR1/2 creature is called a Foam Foal and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Ocean.