Flying high above the desert canyon is a medium sized bird with a long flowing tail and crooked beak. This creature uses its excellent vision to look for rodents such as Angler Rats hiding amongst the cliff faces. This bird does not simply swoop down and grab its prey, as the Angler rats telepathic abilities give them a sort of early warning system. Instead they uses Specialized feathers stored with electricity to launch their feathers from their bodies to spear their prey. Living at such high altitudes means they are rarely seen by humanoids living in the desert, but when they are spotted by the desert inhabitants it is believed to foretell floods. There is some truth in this superstition as the Cloud Dancers are most active before and during storms, as they seek more electricity to charge their feathers.

This CR2 creature is called a Cloud Dancer and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Canyons.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Bell The Cat