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With a body formed from solar energy these elementals can not be tamed by the average individual. Even their manes and tails are comprised of pure plasma. The plasmas color is based on their hierarchy in the herd. Despite the obvious danger of being showered with radiation or severely burned, the Astral Equines have patterns resembling constellations across their bodies making them a beautiful site to behold. Most inhabitants of Crius would never lay eyes on one of these beings as they inhabit the planetary rings that surround the planet. Living amongst the stars in herds of up to twenty individuals. These herds form strong bonds and understand concepts such as loyalty and sacrifice. Upon their death the Equine releases all of its Solar energy to be reabsorbed into the remaining members of the herd. Therefore strengthen future generations. When they are not running across asteroids they utilize small jets of energy from their hooves, allowing them to walk across the vacuum of space. The amount of energy they produce has a habit of distorting space around them. This can lead to them generating their own gravitational pull, causing small space debris to hover around their neck.

This CR5 creature is called an Astral Equine and is an Elemental that lives mostly within the Planetary Rings.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Drone Kick King