SOC's leadership is structured around a council, where each member holds an...
Work together as you delve deeper to disarm traps, fight monsters, and...
Our built-in exploration mechanic provides players the chance to uncover...
Each familiar has unique bonuses they give you along your travels.
Scholars of arcane lore, harnessing intricate spells and rituals to manipulate the forces of magic and unravel mysteries.
Pact-bound wielders of forbidden knowledge and dark magic, serving otherworldly entities in exchange for otherworldly powers.
Innate spellcasters, born with magical power coursing through their veins, shaping reality with their raw arcane abilities.
Cunning thieves and assassins, specializing in stealth, trickery, and dealing precise strikes from the shadows.
Skilled trackers and survivalists, at home in the wilderness, using their archery and nature-based magic to hunt down threats.