Vulg, the celestial enforcer forged by Vuntur to maintain the delicate equilibrium of the skies and subdue...
Tenebre, the mysterious deity of shadows, assumes the formidable guise of a man adorned in a cloak of...
Tamatoe, the happy deity of the fey, was birthed from the infusion of a fraction of the goddess Yena's divine power into...
Nexum, the divine catalyst who bequeathed the realm of Crius with the ethereal essence of magic.
Moxaris, the revered deity known as the Maimed, a resolute embodiment of justice in the realms of Crius.
Nebaela, the mysterious deity known as the Fog Weaver, assumes the role of a guiding general under Sebat's command.
Fareen, the enchanting goddess of rain born of Vulg, the deity of storms, reigns as a celestial force over the realm.